Airport Car Park
A 4 storey airport car park operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year was illuminated with 960 x 5 foot 70 (including ballast) Watt Fluorescent Tubes.
The airport pays 9.6 p per kWh (unit) of electricity.
The LED alternative:
The 960 Fluorescent Tubes were replaced with 5 foot 22 Watt LED tubes.
The results:
The annual cost of operating the existing lighting system was £87,262
After the switch to LED the annual cost reduced to £22,141
Annual savings made by switching to LED are £65,112 / 67%
Total savings over the lifetime of the LED will be £459,996
Annual Carbon Savings 1,263 Tonnes
Annual Return on Investment is 168%
No of years to achieve Payback on Investment is 0.60 Years