Dogs for the Disabled
Dogs for the Disabled are based in Banbury and are heavy users of electricity. They are a charitable organisation and their Trustees have a duty of care when spending money received from their many donors.
Blazes Renewables were invited to prepare a proposal to install a 50 kWp (200 panel) Solar PV system on their premises.
The Trustees discussed the proposal and Blazes Renewables was instructed to go ahead with the installation.
During the installation it was noticed that the site was supplied its electricity from 2 separate meter points each with its own Npan number. In consequence the installation was split into 2 and each one registered for the Feed in Tariff individually. The big advantage of doing this was that on Solar PV Systems not exceeding 30 kWp the DECC deem it to be that 50% of the generated electricity is Exported back to the grid and paid accordingly.
So, at this site where 100% of the electricity generated is actually used they are also paid the Export Tariff at 50%.
Dogs for the Disabled operate a fleet of vans in the local area and now that they are able to generate their own electricity this fleet is being changed to electric vehicles and charging points are being installed.
The Dogs for the Disabled premises are highly visible and the Solar PV panels coupled with the electric vehicle charging points are real examples of their commitment to preventing climate change.
The results:
Annual generation of electricity 43,020 kWhs
Value of free and exported electricity £3,816
Value of Feed in Tariff £5,218
Combined annual benefit £9,034
Annual number of tonnes of Carbon saved 23 Tonnes
Annual return on investment 18.19%