St Peter’s Leisure Centre
Burnley Borough Council have a leisure complex illuminated by a mix of Low Bay (250 W) and High Bay (400) Metal Halide lamps and T8 Fluorescent Tubes.
The Council pays 10.2 p per kWh (unit) of electricity.
The LED alternative:
The High Bay 400 Watt and Low Bay 250 Watt Lamps were replaced 150 Watt LED Lamps and fittings. The T8 Tubes were replaced by LED Tubes using the original fittings.
The results:
The annual cost of operating the existing lighting system was £11,048
After the switch to LED the annual cost reduced to £1,968
Annual savings made by switching to LED are £9,080 / 78%
Total savings over the lifetime of the LED will be £69,717
Annual Carbon Savings 309 Tonnes
Annual Return on Investment is 118%
No of years to achieve Payback on Investment is 0.85 Years
Metal Halide Lamps only operate at their maximum illumination after a significant “warm up” period and in consequence are not suitable to work with motion sensors. LED, however, operate at maximum illumination instantly and are ideally suited to work with motion sensors enabling even greater efficiency and savings.